主 题:Acquisition of L2 Chinese Nominal Structures
主讲人:井茁(Zhuo Jing-Schimidt) 教授
时 间:2019年11月4日(周一)18:00-19:30
地 点:虹口校区会议中心凯旋厅
The acquisition of nominal structures (NS) in earlyChinese SLA has been shown to be patterned, reflecting the structural andhierarchical complexity of NS (Charters 2013). This study compares the usage patterns of Chinese nominal structures inthe form of [X 的 NP] in advanced-level L1 American English(AE) and L1 German (GER) learners of Chinese. The two groups of learners weregiven the same visual prompt for an independent writing task whereby identicalinstructions were given that directed them to write an essay of 500 charactersto describe and comment on the visual input using the formal register ofChinese. 12 essays in each language were included in the analysis. The resultsshowed that L1 GER and L1 AE NS productions were not significantly different inmean length. However, L1 GER and L1 AE NS productions were significantlydifferent in structural patterns: L1 GER produced more Relative Clause (RC) NStokens and fewer Attributive/Possessive (A/P) NS tokens than L1 AE. L1 GERproduced more OBJ RC tokens and fewer SUB RC tokens than L1 AE. Furthermore,the German sample showed a significantly greater type frequency of NS with RCthan the American English sample, suggesting higher productivity of thestructure in advanced L1 German learners. Cross-linguistic grammaticalinfluence (Odlin 1989; Wu 2014) was interpreted in terms of a knowledge-basedexperiential model of learning to account for the cross-L1 differences in thedegree of NS complexity and productivity. We suggest that the form-functionpaired similarity between German Extended Adjective Construction (EAC) and theChinese RC-like [X_的_N] construction allows L1 GER learners to draw on knowledge of theformer in learning the latter and thereby facilitates its acquisition. Thisargument is consistent with knowledge-based (aka information-theoretical)models of L2/L3 phonological development, e.g. tone/pitch learning (Wu, Tu, andWang 2012, 2017; Wiener & Goss, 2019). Bohn & Best, 2012; Chang,2018; Chang & Mishler, 2012), contra the Processability Theory (Pienemann2005).
This study offers a first corpus-based comparativeanalysis of cross-linguistic influence in Chinese SLA. Because our samples aresmall, the argument remain inclusive and awaits further confirmation based onmore cross-linguistic data.
井茁(Zhuo Jing-Schimidt),现任美国俄勒冈大学东亚语言文学系终身正教授、博士生导师。1992年获北京大学西语系德语语言文学学士、1995年获北大德语语言文学硕士,1997年获美国洛杉矶加州大学(UCLA)日耳曼语言学硕士,2005年获德国科隆大学普通语言学博士。2005-2008年在科隆大学博士后期间独立获得德国政府(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)及企业(Fritz Thyssen Foundation)科研基金。2013年起任俄勒冈中文领航基金项目负责人、主任。主要研究领域为认知语言学、社会语言学、功能语言学、历史语言学以及认知语言学视角下的二语习得研究,在国际顶级期刊CognitiveLinguistics、Journalof Pragmatics、Language in Society、ModernLanguage Journal以及国内前沿期刊发表学术论文数十篇,在John Benjamins出版学术专著Dramatized Discourse,主编IncreasedEmpiricism: Recent Advances in Chinese Linguistics,合编TheRoutledge Handbook of Chinese Applied Linguistics,担任ChineseLanguage and Discourse执行主编,Chinese as a Second Language、Concentric:Studies in Linguistics等期刊编委,Cognitive Linguistics、AppliedLinguistics、Journalof Pragmatics、System、Linguistics、Lingua等多个知名国际期刊的审稿人。