主 题:汉语二语习得中的界面研究
主讲人:袁博平 教授(剑桥大学)
时 间:2017年9月21日(周四)18:30-20:00
地 点:虹口校区2号楼一楼阶梯教室
本讲座围绕“界面假说”(Interface Hypothesis),从汉语的“非宾格动词与非作格动词”、“存在极性词”(existential polarity words)、“疑问词话题化”、“到底……”类疑问句等语法点入手,依次考察了英语母语者在习得其二语汉语时,对“句法-语义”这一内部界面和“句法-语篇”、“句法-语用”这两个外部界面的习得情况。研究发现,虽然界面会给二语学习者带来习得困难,但并非像界面假说所预测的那样永远难以习得;同时还发现界面本身可能并不是造成二语习得困难的根本原因,界面所需的信息处理量才是决定二语学习者在多大程度上习得各种界面的关键因素。
Dr. Boping Yuan isa Reader in Language and Linguistics and a PhD supervisor at the University ofCambridge, and he directs the Chinese programme in Cambridge. He is also Fellowand Director of Studies in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Churchill College,Cambridge. His research interests are in linguistic approaches to secondlanguage acquisition, and he is currently working on second language interfacesbetween syntax-semantics, syntax-discourse, syntax-pragmatics, etc. He haspublished numerous papers in refereed international journals as well as injournals in China, which include: Language,Linguistics, Transactions of the Philological Society, Second LanguageResearch, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Bilingualism: Language andCognition, Language Learning, International Review of Applied Linguistics,EUROSLA Yearbook, International Journal of Bilingualism, Chinese Language andDiscourse, Lingua,《外语教学与研究》,《世界汉语教学》, 《现代外语》 etc. He is currently an executive member of theExecutive Committee of the World Chinese Language Teaching Society, and he alsoserves as a member of editorial boards of a number of international and Chineseacademic journals, which include: SecondLanguage Research, International Review of Applied Linguistics, 《外语教学与研究》,《世界汉语教学》, 《现代外语》 etc.
袁博平博士是剑桥大学语言及语言学Reader、博士生导师,主管剑桥大学的汉语教学。他同时还是剑桥丘吉尔学院院士、学术督导。他的研究方向是语言学理论及二语习得,他目前的研究领域是二语习得中的界面问题,特别是句法-语义、句法-语篇、句法-语用之间的界面在二语习得中的影响。他在国际学术刊物和中国的学术刊物发表过数十篇论文,这些学术刊物包括:Language, Linguistics, Transactions of thePhilological Society, Second Language Research, Studies in Second LanguageAcquisition, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, Language Learning,International Review of Applied Linguistics, EUROSLA Yearbook, InternationalJournal of Bilingualism, Chinese Language and Discourse, Lingua《外语教学与研究》,《世界汉语教学》, 《现代外语》等等。他目前是世界汉语教学学会理事会的常务理事,同时担任若干家中国和国际学术刊物的编委,其中包括Second Language Research, International Review ofApplied Linguistics, 《外语教学与研究》,《世界汉语教学》, 《现代外语》等等。
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