主 题:连读变调对音系语法的启示(What can tone sandhi tell us about phonological grammar?)
主讲人:张杰 教授
时 间:2017年6月27日(周二)13:30-15:00
地 点:虹口校区2号楼一楼阶梯教室
Chinese tone sandhi patterns posesignificant challenges to phonological theory due to their complexity, phoneticarbitrariness, and rampant variation and exceptions in the lexicon. I argue inthis talk that progress in our understanding of the grammatical nature of tonesandhi can be better made by experimental methods that investigate nativespeakers’ tone sandhi behavior. I focus on findings from wug tests on threeChinese dialects (Taiwanese Southern Min, Shanghai, Wuxi) here, which showedthat tone sandhi patterns that are not motivated by surface phonotactics oftencategorically fail to apply in novel words, while phonologically transparentsandhi patterns are more productive. These findings suggest that thephonological nature of the two types of sandhi is different — a conclusion noteasily drawn from the lexical patterns of tone sandhi in these dialects.
张杰教授,清华大学工学学士,美国加州大学洛杉矶分校语言学硕士、博士。取得博士学位后在哈佛大学语言学系担任讲师一职,现任美国堪萨斯大学语言学系教授。张杰教授主要学术方向为音系理论、实验音系学及语音学,专攻音调语言的实验音系研究及结构模型。曾主持美国国家科学基金会及蒋经国国际学术交流基金会资助的研究项目,并在多家SSCI期刊上发表论文:如Phonology、Journal of Phonetics、Language and Speech、Phonetica、Language Cognition and Neuroscience、Lingua、Journal of East Asian Linguistics等。曾任美国国家科学基金会语言学部项目评审团委员,Journal of East Asian Linguistics、Lingua Sinica、International Journal of Chinese Linguistics与Korean Journal of Chinese Language andLiterature编委,及国际中国语言学学会(International Association of Chinese Linguistics)执委会成员,且曾获2006年度国际中国语言学学会青年学者奖。此外,张杰教授现为美国语言学会(Linguistic Society of America)、美国声学学会(Acoustical Society of America)、国际语音学会(International Phonetic Association)、实验音系学协会(Association for Laboratory Phonology)及国际中国语言学学会多家专业学术协会的会员。