



主讲人:严菡波 博士

评议人:高思畅 博士

时 间:2021121日(周四)13:3015:00

地 点:虹口校区2号楼501




The study aims to examine how the acoustic input (thesurface form) and the abstract linguistic representation (the underlyingrepresentation) interact during spoken word recognition by investigatingleft-dominant tone sandhi, a tonal alternation in which the underlying tone ofthe first syllable spreads to the sandhi domain. We conducted twoauditory-auditory priming lexical decision experiments on Shanghaileft-dominant sandhi words with less-frequent and frequent Shanghai users, inwhich each disyllabic target was preceded by monosyllabic primes either sharingthe same underlying tone, surface tone, or being unrelated to the tone of thefirst syllable of the sandhi targets. Results showed a surface priming effectbut not an underlying priming effect in younger speakers who used Shanghai lessfrequently, but no surface or underlying priming effect in older speakers whoused Shanghai more often. Moreover, the surface priming did not interact withspeakers’ familiarity ratings to the sandhi targets. These patterns suggestthat left-dominant Shanghai sandhi words may be represented in the sandhi formin the mental lexicon. The results are discussed in the context of howphonological opacity, productivity, the non-structure-preserving nature of tonespreading, and speakers’ semantic knowledge influence the representation andprocessing of tone sandhi words.




主要研究领域为实验音系学、心理语言学及二语语音习得。曾多次在国际学术会议上宣读研究成果,论文散见于InternationalJournal of Chinese LinguisticsLanguage and Speech、《语言研究集刊》等国内外学术期刊。